Black seed (Nigella Sativa) is a flowering plant native to Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean. The seeds have been used to make medicine for thousands of years. The oil is made from seeds. It’s also known as Black Caraway, Black Cumin, or Black Cumin Seed Oil.
What’s in Black Seed Oil?
A-Linolenic Acid (Omega 3)
Linolinic Acid (Omega 6)
Oleic Acid (Omega 9)
Vitamin B1 B2 B3
Properties of Black Seed Oil
Black Seed Oil holds a complex blend of ingredients including Thymoquinone (TQ) and thymohydroquinone (THQ). These are the two major pillars responsible for many benefits as well as supporting general bodily health and the immune system.
Many of the medicinal properties of black seed oil are attributed to the compounds it
thymoquinone (TQ)
tymohydroquinone (THQ)
dihydrothymoquinone (DHTQ)
Thymoquinone (TQ), the main active ingredient of Nigella Sativa aka black seed oil, is a unique compound extracted from the volatile oil portion of black seeds that possesses highly therapeutic benefits.
TQ is a potent antioxidant derived from the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant.
This is one of the most important and powerful ingredients in black seed oil. It works by inhibiting the formation of undesirable tissue cells and controls inflammation as well as bacteria growth. The medicinal properties of thymoquinone can inhibit the release of histamine, thereby reducing inflammation in the respiratory system.
TQ medicinal properties and health benefits:
TQ therapeutic indications (reasons for use) include:
bacterial infections
dyslipidemia (a risk factor for cardiovascular disease)
liver disease
neurodegenerative diseases
tumor and Cancer
weight Loss
There are over 1600 published articles on PubMed for Thymoquinone and 1900 for Nigella Sativa aka black seed oil regarding the health benefits.
To learn more about TQ read this blog here:
The most insanely potent, versatile, and affordable natural supplement on the market. Black seed oil has made headlines for its potential to modulate inflammatory responses in the lungs. Along with all the other benefits, it helps everything. Black seed oil has been touted as a "cure for everything except death!" All for just a couple of dollars a day.
According to sources such as NCBL, MDP, Kimmel Cancer Center, JOFEM, and the Journal of Herbal Medicine, there are so many reasons to take black seed oil. The list is endless!
There are over 700 benefits, here are a few:
An abundance of vitamins and minerals
Accelerates muscle growth
Anti-cancer (kills the cells)
Antimicrobial against bacteria, viruses, and fungi
Autoimmune conditions
Balance hormones
Beautifies skin with anti-aging effects
Break down biofilms and prevents biofilm formation
Breaks up mucus and heals lungs
Bone health improvement
Can optimize the outcomes of chemo and traditional treatments
Cholesterol-lowering and balancing
Cold and flu relief
Decreases pain (analgesic)
Detoxifies heavy metals from the blood
Diminish seizure frequency and severity
Dissolves tumor accumulation
Eliminates acne
Enhanced blood sugar metabolism thus improving insulin resistance
Enhances brain function
Enhances organ efficiency
Good to get diabetes under control
Healthy Strong Hair Growth
Heart health
Help fat metabolism
Immune balancing
Improves fertility
Improves memory
Improves the body's defense system
Increases hair growth
Interferes with blood clotting
Kidney protective
Kill fungi and stubborn bacteria
Liver protective
Lowers blood pressure
More Omega 3 than salmon
Overall body detoxification
Post recovery tonic
Protects skin
Provides sexual strength and stamina
Reduces cholesterol
Reduces lung inflammation
Reduces wrinkles and age spots
Respiratory health
Shown to eradicate many cancers and inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation
Shown to protect the stomach lining, liver, kidneys, and brain
Slows down the aging process
Strong effects on osteoporosis and bone healing
Supports a healthy microbiome
Supports healthy development in children
Supports lactation (an herb that’s safe to use while breastfeeding. It's considered a galactagogue, which means it can help increase milk supply)
Thyroid under control
Treats infection (MRSA)
Treats symptoms of ADHD and Autism
Weight loss
Why HBN?
I will only use HBN’s black seed oil. It has 3000 mg of thymoquinone per bottle, the phytochemical compound that gives it a range of health benefits. The synergistic effect is much higher than any other product.
When shopping for BSO, look at the Thymoquinone volatile oil percent of the bottle and the mg comparison. This is the easiest way to explain the quality. The higher the volatile oil percentage, the better.
HBN is 3000mg TQ per bottle - 100mg per dropper with a 5% TQ.
Other brands:
Gaia Herbs - 2.5% TQ - 2 capsules = 20mg TQ
Maju - 2% TQ - 1 soft gel
Life Extension - Typically 0.1% - 0.2% TQ
Nature's Way - Typically 0.60% TQ - 1 tsp = 27mg
Amazing Herbs - 1.2% TQ - 1 tsp = 48mg TQ
Amazing Herbs - 500mg TQ per bottle - 20mg TQ = 2 soft gels - TQ % unavailable on the website
Kiva - 1.5% TQ - 1-2 tsp
Activation - the label is not displayed on the website
There are many brands available and all these samples are under 50mg and you have to take several teaspoons. If you have belly issues or reflux from these other brands, that is probably why. When you get a better quality, high potency oil, you do not have to take nearly as much and the products can last longer.
Is it safe?
Black seed oil is generally regarded as safe.
Data shows TQ to have a low level of adverse effects and no serious toxicity.
There are no known interactions with foods.
Black seed oil is possibly safe for children when taken by mouth and in recommended amounts by weight.
If pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your healthcare provider.
If taking any medications, herbs, or supplements, consult your healthcare provider.
If you have a bleeding disorder or an upcoming surgery, black seed oil might slow blood clotting. Stop use two weeks before any surgery and consult your healthcare provider.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Studies and Articles
TQ has over 1500 research articles that discuss the incredible power of black seed oil. Keep clicking the "show more results" button at the bottom of each page.
4 black seed oil benefits to boost your overall health
7 benefits of black seed oil from hair growth to weight loss
9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health
An Herbal Extract Inhibits the Development of Pancreatic Cancer
An overview on renoprotective effects of thymoquinone
Anti-bacterial activity of Nigella sativa against clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Anticancer Activities of Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin)
Benefits of black seed oil
Black Seed: Are there health benefits?
Black seed oil for Diabetes: Is it Effective?
Black seed oil is an under-the-radar solution for healthier skin and hair
Can black seed oil help with weight loss?
Covid-19 RCT: Honey and black cumin seed help speed up recovery in Covid-19 patients
Dr. Liki von Oppen-Bezales, Business Development Director at TriNutra
Improving mitochondrial function: "Black seed oil has both internal and external benefits that are linked together. We discovered that it affects mitochondrial functions. It improves mitochondrial functions that usually slow down with age and if you can improve mitochondrial function, you improve respiration, metabolism, and energy production. You just make the cells function better and if you do that, you improve not only the health of the person but also the way the person looks, because there is a very strong link between the way we eat, our lifestyle, the way our functions inside the cells in the body work and our skin, hair, nails - all the external parameters."
Black seed oil for beauty: the new, ancient ingredient
Dr. Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM
"For three cents a day, black cumin may improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar control, as well as accelerate the loss of body fat."
Effects of Black Seed Oil on the resolution of hepato-renal toxicity induced by bromobenzene in rats
Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Heart & Body Naturals: Dr. Ivy Pruss on Benefits of Black seed oil
How this supplement supports immunity and respiratory function for athletes
Journal of Endocrinology & Metabolism. Antidiabetic Properties of a Spice Plant Nigella sativa
Medically reviewed and written by Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
"Black seed oil has been on my radar for some time, especially since a clinical trial was published, revealing some possible benefits for those of us with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Some readers and clients in my community have asked about black seed oil, as they have heard about it being used for its medicinal properties and have been curious about it. One Root Cause Reset member recommended it for seasonal allergies. My curiosity was piqued, and I wanted to look into black seed oil and its effects on the thyroid for this community."
Nigella sativa for the treatment of Covid-19: An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial
Prophetic Medicine-Nigella Sativa (Black cumin seeds) - Potential herb for Covid-19?
Review on clinical trials of black seed (nigella sativa) and its active constituent, Thymoquinone
Study at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in India.
Antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa Linn. seed oil against multi-drug resistant bacteria from clinical isolates:
“Out of 144 strains tested, most of which were resistant to a number of antibiotics, 97 were inhibited by the oil of black cumin.”
The antitumor activity of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone in vitro and in vivo
The Benefits of Black Seed Oil by Dr. Eric Berg DC
The effects of 8-week Nigella sativa supplementation and aerobic training on lipid profile and VO2 max in sedentary overweight females
Updates in diagnosis and management of Ebola hemorrhagic fever
What are the health benefits of black seed oil? A dietician explains.
What is Black Seed Oil?
"He no longer has sleeping issues/insomnia since only the first dose! He also has gotten really sick with a horrible cough and the BSO had him 100% by the 2nd day (I'm adding to all my other usual natural remedies, but the BSO made all the difference!) I will never be without BSO."
"I used black seed oil to treat c diff that was antibiotic resistant in my 4-year-old 2 years ago. She's healed and fine, I did half dose for her and did some with each meal. I did for 3 weeks and her poop came up clear afterward."
"I traveled over the Thanksgiving weekend and I did not get sick. This was the first time ever traveling I did not get sick after flying. The only change was taking the BSO."
"Just wanted to say that I started taking black seed oil the last three mornings just to see if I noticed any differences and I lost 7 lbs so excited"
"In Jamaica over New Year's, I missed sunscreen on a part of my food and it got very burned. Black seed oil topically took away the redness and swelling and within a couple of hours and I could get on shoes for dinner."
"One of my most simple yet powerful little secrets to staying well through life's busiest seasons. I've also been able to help people around me with headaches, UTI pain, and food poisoning pain, just to name a few."
"After leaving a concert late at night the air was very cold. We ran back to the car and I was breathing in the cold air and am not used to that. On the way home I started to couch and my chest hurt. When I got home I took a full dropper of BSO and another one in the morning. A couple of hours later my lungs felt great and I was not coughing anymore."
More testimonials will be added as they come in.
Thank you to my friends and partners who helped contribute to the research necessary for this article.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”